A5 Defense Industry Magazine Aims for Guinness World Record with Global Digital Reach

A5 Defense Industry Magazine Aims for Guinness World Records to Showcase Turkey’s Strength in Defense Industry

ISTANBUL (AA) – İpek İpek, the publisher of A5 Defense Industry Magazine, announced that official procedures have been initiated to have the magazine recognized in the Guinness World Records for its wide international digital readership, reaching 140 countries through digital platforms.

In a statement released by the magazine, it was noted that A5 Defense Industry Magazine aims to enter the Guinness World Records as the publication with the largest international digital readership, reaching audiences in 140 countries.

The statement emphasized that the record attempt would be based on the magazine’s digital reach and international readership figures. It also mentioned that independent auditing firms would verify the magazine’s digital viewership and access metrics.

Expressing her thoughts in the statement, İpek İpek stated that their goal is to carry their success to the Guinness World Records and showcase Turkey’s strength in the defense industry to the world.

İpek highlighted that “Turkey’s achievements in the defense industry are attracting worldwide attention. With over 100,000 employees, the defense industry has become the driving force of the national economy, breaking records in revenue figures.”

A5 Savunma Sanayii Dergisi imtiyaz sahibi İpek İpek
İpek İpek, the publisher of A5 Defense Industry Magazine

The publisher of A5 Defense Industry Magazine, İpek İpek, emphasized that the magazine takes great pride in promoting the achievements of defense industry firms to a global audience.

She further stated, “The magazine aims to reflect Turkey’s strength in this field on a global scale by showcasing groundbreaking new products and cutting-edge technologies in the defense industry.”